
by Vladimir Pozner Russia, Türkiye Channel One documentary series completed
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directed by Alexander Buyukodabas Luzeronde Films, Kalavara Film France, Türkiye mid-length in post production

directed by Andrius Lekavicius Make it Happen Lithuania documentary series in post production

directed by Elif Sözen Kalavara Film, Les films d'ici, Wolfgang Dolly Türkiye, France, Croatia feature in post production

directed by Balahan Gürel Kalavara Film, Rename Projects Türkiye, Australia feature in pre-production
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directed by Barış Fert Kalavara Film, PAZ Türkiye feature in development

directed by Irina Loseva Spas TV Russia documentary series completed

directed by Ferit Katipoğlu Gain, Hokus Türkiye mockumentary series completed

directed by Emin Fırat Övür Kalavara Film Türkiye feature in pre-production

directed by Arman Serobovich Spas TV Russia documentary completed

directed by Zeynep Köprülü Periferi Film Türkiye, Germany feature completed
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directed by Ferit Katipoğlu IKSV Türkiye video completed

directed by Ali Ercivan Harikulade Film, Kalavara Film Türkiye short completed
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directed by Yunus Ozan Korkut Kalavara Film Türkiye mockumentary completed
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directed by İsmet Akgün Kalavara Film Türkiye demo completed

directed by Yunus Ozan Korkut National Geographic Türkiye infomercial completed